Chapter President: Ted Greer
Ted is a long-time member of the IMA and has held various board positions in both the Charlotte and Triangle Chapters. Ted is the current President of the Charlotte Chapter. He has worked in a number of industries including manufacturing, Wood Products, Biomass Energy, SAAS, and consulting.
Vice President of Administration: Richard Westbay, CPA, CMA, CFM, MBA
Rich is a long-time member of the IMA and a past President of the Charlotte Chapter. He has worked in a number of industries including retail, manufacturing, utilities, and consulting. He has spent the last 15 years in the healthcare industry.
Vice President of Engagement: Darin Spencer
Secretary: Jacquelyn Burkhead
Treasurer & Webmaster: Kevin McCarthy, CMA, CSCA
Kevin currently works as a controller in the manufacturing industry. He has Master's degrees in Accounting and History from Appalachian State University. He is a past President of the Charlotte Chapter and has been a member of the IMA since 2014.
Director of Meeting Arrangements: Joe Plati
Director of Board Logistics: Mo Moshtaghi
Director for Past Presidents: Marcia Vinci
Regional Council Delegate: Byrd Heaton, CMA
Student Director: Yen Tran